LIVE, This Tuesday 7PM EST

Your Seat is Reserved

Step 1: Read Your Class Checklist.

- Make sure you're watching on a desktop/laptop. Your phone won't let you get the full experience or use the chat feature to ask questions.

- Set aside at least 90 minutes on your calendar to ensure you’re not distracted or busy with other events.

- Take notes if you need to. This isn't recorded, and it's important that you soak up all the information as best you can.

- You retain information better when you engage — don't be afraid to ask questions or just interact with other people in the chat.


Step 2: Check Out My YouTube

Step 3: Don't Forget Your Link!

This should be in your inbox already. If it's not, save it here. Don't worry — if you lose it, I'll make sure you have it when you need it. Anyway, here it is!