My Story

if you prefer the video version of my life story, click here

I was birthed into this world in Santa Monica on Feb 26th. 2002.

I don’t remember California at all for some reason, but I enjoy the vibe there now having been a few times. Something about it feels right for me, and I want to live there for a bit.

We left when I was two btw and moved to South Florida.

I won’t talk more about my early childhood, but it was average. No major sob story. We weren’t loaded, and the house I grew up in was a few hundred grand. My parents got divorced when I was 12, which I didn’t really mind.

Both parents loved me, and I was living/raised primarily by my mother, but again, I can confidently say I loved my childhood and wouldn’t want anything different.


Fast forward a bit to when I was 13, I was in 7th grade, and money was always around me and my older brother, Michael. I knew it was important, but shit, for a 13 and 16 year old, we were very into the idea of having money. I think it came from my Dad, who was a hustler, the same as his dad, who was an inventor.

I just had this shit in my DNA, and at 13, it started getting fun as that birthday, we did a big party, and my parents gave me the gifts which was almost 2k in cash and other little things. 

From that point on, I always felt like I had a bit of money. I just vividly cannot recall having less than a few thousand to my name ever after that. I didn’t have a bank account, I just kept it in a little safe from a convenience store I bought.

My brother was very tough on me as a kid; this built me well, and to this day, I attribute a lot of my success to my brother. Love you Mike. 

I knew no matter what, I’d be making money somehow. Gambling, selling iPhone cases in middle school, and then buying hoverboards to flip to my friends when I hit 9th grade and high school was close enough to walk, I bought a golf cart cheap, knowing I could flip it, but kept it a bit before selling it to get a nicer one 6 months later and flipping it for a profit again.

All on OfferUp, all at 14. You can’t make this shit up man. Looking back, I don’t know how grown adults took me seriously.

I did anything my little brain could think of at the time to make some extra cash. 

I’d love to splurge on Pizza Hut. The $10 dinner box was my shit.


In 8th grade is when I started to feel like I was different, not in an egotistical way, I just realized I was really happy all the time and that people liked that. Many people gravitated to me because of this, and I had a lot of friends.

9th grade, this got accelerated as now in high school as a freshman. It was a new world… bigger school, more people and the same thing occurred. I just got along with legit everyone. 

I wasn’t as aware of it as I am now, but I realized it’s because I was super fucking optimistic and happy. I just enjoyed life, and still, a lot of me does. I think this is my mom’s side in me of peace, and my brother being so hard on me made me virtually never get mad. I still don’t. I always tell people that getting mad will never make a situation better virtually. 

Man, I loved just being happy and fucking around in high school.

I liked the high a lot more than the school…


So, you give a freshman a bunch of friends, a few thousand bucks, a mom who’s not always home and sometimes out of town. It leads to a really loose cannon.

This could’ve gone really bad. Early on in 9th grade, I tried some weed and hated it. Alcohol stuck with me a lot better, and who better to arrange small parties than yours truly. So I did exactly that, as I loved the idea of being with everyone outside of school. It was my first time really enjoying my friend group outside of school. Honestly, before that, I felt like you were not really as free. Once high school hit, people would stay out later, and my house was always a good spot.

This led to some obvious things happening. I won’t go into too much detail, but my house became the spot for anything bad to happen with the people from my school OUTSIDE of school.

This leads me to the infamous party. It’s 2017, decently early in 9th grade; I invited the most people ever and threw a legit party. I’m talking probably 30+ people, which for a freshman was insane.

From my golf cart being used as a shuttle to 9th graders doing some not-so-freshman-type things. Shit got out of hand a bit, and the principal showed up, recorded some shit, and left, which was super annoying as I felt that was a real invasion of my privacy. 

Anyways, it ended up that the school gave me and my close friends some shit, and life went on.

From that point forward, I really never smoked weed again, btw. I didn’t like that it made me feel dumb.

So unknown to me, me throwing this party put me on a sort of “hitlist” for my school. For lack of better words, they didn’t think having me there was better than not having me there. 

Thankfully, they couldn’t expel me, and they didn’t, but they did almost “deny” my admission into 10th grade 6 months after the party, which is odd, but it was me and my mom vs them, so what was I gonna do…

They said that to come into 10th grade, I had to sign a contract, which, in short, said that to get good grades, you should not throw parties, and you’ll be good.

I said okay and was a little shaken up by it. I almost felt a bit restricted mentally.

Life went on though. The first half of 10th grade was smooth, and I bought and sold Supreme/sneakers to make some cash. My brother at the time started doing well himself through faceless Instagram meme pages he sold ads on, which inspired me.

Then 2nd half of 10th-grade, things got a bit more intense. My grades split a bit as I was focusing a lot on Supreme, and I kinda was trending against the contract and lowkey was not giving a fuck. I don’t know if this was a lack of attention from my mom, school, or me, but legit, no one cared and I sure didn’t.

Two months before school ended, I was unaware of whether I’d be kicked out or pushed to a different school or be fine and continue to 11th grade.

Around this time, my brother’s business got serious. I’m talking 100k/month. This not only motivated me, but I became his first employee, a glorified assistant! 

This was awesome. I learned a lot from him and made some solid cash. My mom, I think, didn’t care as my brother dropped out of college a few months before, and she saw the money, so she was totally cool with it.

During the last few weeks of school, I’d skip class, I was buying and selling mango pods as I got 100 packs right before they sold out and 3x’ed in price, and would purposely mess with teachers, especially the ones I hated.

One particular teacher I remember and wanna give a huge fuck you to is this English teacher I had, she had replaced my favorite teacher ever (who was a 10/10 brunette), and this new bitch hated me. The most memorable bullshit, which obviously didn’t help the principles situation with me, was when she sent me to the principal for plugging in my iPhone, thinking I was about to play a prank on her.

Man. I hate how power-hungry some teachers are. Fuck.


The last few days of 10th grade came around, and I was midway through my 3rd final, which by the way, I was completely not completing. I’d put my name and answer all the questions wrong to purposely see how close to 0 I could get (it was kinda hard as some things were multiple choice, and I think the teachers were so baffled they didn’t even know what to do) 

Good times; I ended the year at a 1.3 GPA, failing every main subject. I know this sounds a bit fucked, but it’s funny that now I look at it as an accomplishment.


I wanna be super clear here: I love school and enjoyed a ton of it, but I also think it’s a great path for a lot of people who are confident in their academic ability and to play that system.

With that being said, I knew I was gonna get kicked out, so I was one step ahead of them and just stopped going mid-finals week, my brother needed me for a big client in LA, and we flew there while all my friends were taking a final…looking back I wonder what these fuckers were thinking.

I came home and went to school to take one of the last finals, but at this point, I had already done a few little ventures on my own, knew my brother needed my help and would pay me, and trusted I could be an entrepreneur without even knowing what that entailed tbh. I just believed and wasn’t nervous about leaving school, knowing I could always go back in a few months.

So I did it. I left class on the 2nd to last final exam and handed it in blank. Just wrote my name and date and answered one question so they’d grade it (I kinda wanted to get a 0 just to see it lol). At that point though, I left school at 16.

My parents worried a bit, but I assured them I could always go back if I didn’t figure things out.


16, out of school every day. What a life.

Fortnite, Waking up at 9 to get some coffee and breakfast.

Life was good.

I knew I had to occupy my time and do something, but I wasn’t in a rush. I was really into YouTube even prior to dropping out, and a ton of my ideas came from there. I stumbled upon penny stock trading, social media marketing on influencer pages, and e-commerce dropshipping. I tried them all, and none of them worked.

Social media marketing showed the most hope as I had some friends who knew it well. My brother also gave me a few tips, although he wasn’t as intense about it at that point.

I bought a little meme page with 100k followers for $2,000 and was selling ads to brands and anyone really. 

I got lucky, and the account was hitting explore well (getting good views/likes)

I ended up selling a ton of ads, and then it hit me: if people are buying ads from me and paying $50-$150, they must be making more. 

Some of them did this with 10+ pages per day, spending $1,000+ to “market” 

That’s when my little 16-year-old brain had a lightbulb. 

Now it’s 2019, I’m fully out of school and never even had the convo of “do I go back” with my parents as I had like 40k and bought my brother’s car off of him. (little BMW m235i, man, I loved that thing) 

I was figuring out my path and decided to try not only to have the page that did the promo but also to be the brand that sold the product.


So it’s a normal day for me, and I can’t get this thought out of my head that these stores online were making people money, and I wanted a piece of it.

I knew I could sell anything as I’d be dropshipping, so I decided to try these Replica Airpods, which I called Earpods for legal reasons. Some popular guys were promoting it too, like Supreme Patty, so I trusted they would crush.

I filmed my first ad in my living room in my mom’s with four pieces of white cardboard hot glued together, and boom. It was a hit.

I don’t recall CPM/CTR, which is how I monitor ads now. I didn’t even have a working pixel, but I got clicks for 10 cents (how much to get a person to click to my website) and have a 1% conversion rate (amount of people who converted that landed on my website) at a $40 AOV (average order value)

Translation. I just struck gold as a teen, and day 1 was getting $4 for every $1 I put in.

So I put a lot of money in, and before I knew it, I had a 5k day, 40k month, and my first-ever hire. Jolie, who is now my personal assistant.

This was insane. I then scaled to 500k on my first site before getting processing issues happening, which was a punch in the face but easy enough to get around.

I’ve learned now, in retrospect, that business is such a game of problem-solving. Problems will never end. The ones who win are those who avoid and or address problems as quickly as possible.

I fixed the processor and also did a 2nd site to move quicker around issues. I felt great.

It had been a year, and I sold some other little tech gadgets on the site too. Airpods were the home run though. I thought I was destined for millions as a teen and would retire… boy was I wrong.


I wake up and get coffee, come home and a few minutes later i hear a knock at the door, I go to open it and it’s a 50 year old man with a big stack of papers asking if my mom is home, i say no and he gives them to me. 

I see its titles to *my business name* and my heart fucking did a cartwheel 

I immidiatly think im going to prison.

Then i chill and open it, long story short it went like this

“hey , we represent apple and are a huge legal firm and don't want to sue you, but you need to show us how much you made and more info about you and your business”

Thankfully, although addressed to my mom, the businesses info was on me so she wasnt needed at all, and I was a dumb teen so they took pity to not ruin my life. 

Ended at a cease and desist and they explained they were looking for the big dogs and apple hired them to shut down anyone doing this as well, we were not allowed to sell a replica pair of one of their top earners.

Fair game Apple. Fair game. 

This was a big learning lesson for me and I shut down both sites and they thankfully didnt ask for any fines or $ to be paid back, although some of the bigger guys i know did not get off so easy.

Now about 18, and I’m feeling great. Made some solid money and had about 80k profit left over after my dumbass decided to get a Tesla, Rolex, and other dumb shit you guys would buy after doing a million dollars in sales and paying like 30k in taxes.

So I still had a few friends from school and wasn’t completely solo, nor did I want to be. I liked friends, and it was only later on that I got to self-isolation and learned to love it.

At this point, though, most of the 18-year-olds who haven’t freshly dropped out of high school move on to college. Most of my friends did, and this was super fkn weird. 

Hard to explain, but I cried. I don’t cry a lot. I cried in front of 5 of my closest guy friends.

I think it was less me sad and more of me scared at the fact I had no path at all, and they all did. I just felt lost.

Life got weird here. I didn’t know it yet, but this is when I NEEDED to have a drastic change. Anytime life sucks, you MUST change shit. The easiest to do is your environment, even if that's for a few days.

So I did exactly that.


I won’t touch on this story too much, as it’s not that meaningful. Other than leaving your hometown, I’m sure as hell will open your mind. My brother and I went to LA and rented a Lamborghini Hurracan. This was very fun for obvious reasons, seeing the amazing city of LA and enjoying some time there sure as hell made me feel good about myself and my path, and although lost, I knew I wasn’t doing everything wrong, and I had strong hope in my future. 

Coming home, I was motivated to win.

I knew I had to get out of my mom’s, so I did exactly that. I moved out, and this was during the COVID real estate drop. I was 18 and moved out in October of 2020 ( getting dates/years was annoying, but it was important to keep the story flowing in your head, so I did it. )

I got a killer deal on a beachfront apartment for 6 months and got a dog, too. Bolt. I love Bolt and love dogs.

I moved in some of my stuff but, for the most part, started fresh. I felt good, and I was ready to work in a great and high-energy environment.


This is when simply, I was alone a lot. I think that’s so fucking ok.

So many people always need to see other people. I hate other people a lot of the time.

It’s simple in my eyes: I want what’s best for me. Other people want what’s best for them and likely will influence you to merge to do what’s best for them that also works with you. The point is, when you’re around others directly or even just out of your crib, you’re always being influenced.

I don’t want to be influenced, and I realized this above concept early and was and still am very careful surrounding myself with the wrong people, but at this time, I’d just be alone a lot, always doing and thinking about what I want, no one was influencing me but myself.

At the time, I had just started developing this skill. Nowadays, I refer to it as self-isolation, willingly isolating yourself from others and the outside world purposely for immense focus, and you get a lot more done!

To finalize this chapter, I want to share what it’s like at 18 alone on New Year’s and your birthday.

It sucks. That’s all. S U C K S and makes you think you should go back to being a normal pussy.

Don’t. This is just the price to pay to be in the big leagues, and I don’t regret it at all.

So just remember, as you come up, there are downsides, sad and painful downsides, some of which may fuck you up, thankfully none really did.


Everyone’s version of success is different and likely will change a ton throughout your life, but this time in my life, it was becoming a liquid millionaire (no bullshit net worth/equity legit having 1 Million cash)

I didn’t know this before and started realizing here that whatever your definition of success is, it’s inevitable. That is if you make it so.

You see, no matter what your definition of success is, you 100% know YOU can do it. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be thinking about it. It’s just human nature to define success by what you deem possible as you’re in pursuit of it, and that makes you feel good. If you didn’t think it was possible, you would change your definition of success.

My point is that shit is so fucking guaranteed if you make it so, or completely impossible if you make it so.

Your actions completely define you hitting or not hitting the goals needed to get there.

I love that shit. So much.

I live my life like this: how can I guarantee success? It’s just like one of my pillars; from that point until now, and likely forever, I have loved this ideology and stand by it.


I had a good few months span of just deep, intense work trying to find my next Earpods product. I ran about 5-10 products, but none hit huge. Any product you do sub 500k on I refer to as a pump-n-dump store (not to be confused with pumping and dumping a stock). This was just when you ran a product, sent customers the product, and then closed down the store for whatever reason, likely not enough hope.

I sold beer snorkels, these glow-in-the-dark sticky balls, sticky iPhone cases, these unique sunglasses, and I even tried a store in all Spanish to Spain / Mexico.

I was fkn trying and kinda breaking even with my like 5k-10k in monthly expenses and wasn’t really stressed. Just living and enjoying working and trying to grow. 

Trying to guarantee my success 🙂


My mom, a few months prior to this, made me film a TikTok as my story was “so freaking good not to share” I think that is how she put it, and she thought I was born to be famous ever since a kid. Man, I love my mom. 

Nonetheless, I did exactly that: I posted TikTok’s for fun, just for some clout. No goals.


I’m not sure what really hit, but the unique Tesla (I wrapped it purple ), 10k I’d pull out in cash to show I have money, beachfront view, or unique store, but my cocky ass somehow got like 500k followers in sub 6 months, this was sick. My IG was growing quickly too, which just felt really fkn good.

I can’t describe what influence or followers make you feel other than a form of currency/power similar yet so different to money. 

I would start posting on TikTok daily and YouTube/IG less often to keep trying to grow, although I still had little goals as the money for me was in my stores, I couldn’t fathom a world past that. Not yet at least.


People love shitting on coaching, courses, and course sellers. Which pisses me off a ton. 

  1. Courses are not bad. Most people who shit on them aren’t doing so cause the course is bad, rather than them being poor losers.
  2. If a course is bad, it has nothing to do with “courses” rather than a specific course.
  3. Courses are 100x more valuable than college and or school in general.
  4. Any unethical course seller/coach will never win in the long run. They will always eat shit and rarely last a year.

Past those points, I wanted you all to know I knew this shit and didn’t want to be labeled as a course seller, as that’s not my goal.

My goal has been and always will be to make as much money and impact as I can following four rules.

  1. Doing whatever is necessary to guarantee my success
  2. It’s legal
  3. It’s ethical 
  4. It’s morally correct

So, with the ten or so DMs I was getting per day, I started chatting and offered $250/hr coaching calls, which sold like hotcakes.

I hated these calls though, as it was repetitive as fuck.

Then I REALIZED, what If I gave a course going over basics, and then they'd come to the calls with better questions, which was a win-win for them and me as I enjoy helping people grow but just don't like being a human Google. I want hard questions and issues, ya know.

This was a home run, and my Mentorship program was born.

I balanced this whole “coaching beginners into dropshipping” and dropshipping on two main sites. One person online found me, and one of these sites he had 50% of, and we were crushing. I did 300k in a single month during Q4 of 2021

At this point, I was making some serious cash. I probably had about 500k in cash at its peak.

I felt great.


It’s 2022, and now I’m in a new crib I got in downtown Miami on one of the top floors of the highest building in Miami.

I felt like I was literally on the top of the world.

I went down the wrong ish paths, and in retrospect, I do not regret it at all. It just wasn’t ideal for me and my workflow. 

I got a VA to go in and make me a profile on every dating app and would swipe like 1,000 girls a day.

This worked great and anyone I told was so surprised even though this idea is so simple.

I was living life and enjoying, wasn’t too focused on work, was living a “balanced life” aka barely working on impactful shit, and I think I just didn’t have a vision.


At this point, I was really gaining traction on social media and had a good feeling coaching was what I enjoyed, but I didn’t feel like there were enough results or what I gave people was what they really needed.

This was when I realized I needed to go away from a few hundred dollar course and help way fewer people.

I decided to raise the price and friction to join into what I offered a ton and stopped hardcore promoting it. I made it so that if you wanted my help, you kinda had to find it.

This was simple: I wanted truly hungry individuals to join my only coaching offer.

My all-in-one Mentorship. It’s the only offer I’ll really offer to beginners other than some free training or other cheap stuff for anyone who are legit at $0.

It’s everything you need when it comes to training, access, and more. I won’t go too far into what it is, but we offered 25+ coaching calls per hour and access to a support chat with me and seven coaches compared to you. Instead of the usual “Here’s my course and discord with 1,000 buyers and one coach.”

People got some serious help, and from the people who actually followed through after joining, we saw unheard-of results. From the last time we tracked it, students had made over $7,000,000 at the time of writing, and keep in mind everyone we bring on is a beginner, usually who’s never even started a business. We had our bad apples in there too, don’t get me wrong, but you can’t force a bird to fly. All in all, though, this was great. It felt right.


At this point, I was like, shit. I need to make more money.

My ecom brand I had plans to grow, but it didn’t excite me, and I eventually went to sell a portion of this to just oversee it, not have to manage and build a team.

So I was like, what’s next?

That’s where my agency came in.

The premise and business plan was simple, help business owners run ads because many people don’t know how to, and most agencies suck as the owners don’t run any business besides their agency.

This was the tip of the iceberg; realizing how much leverage there was with me having multiple businesses just gives me so much more power to help others (and make a lot of cash)

I had the idea to start an agency and talked to a friend who I knew was down for something new, and we agreed to partner.

There are pros and cons to partnerships, and the key is that your skills and roles must be very different. Nonetheless, I had majority, and it went very well. I actively led it for about two years, almost as a CO-CEO with my partner, before I offered to sell my equity to him.

This is a good example of how a business can pay you not only in cash but also in experience, which pays you a lot bigger and in the long term. It’s overlooked by many and is a lesson I hope you learn from reading this.

Regarding my leaving, I am gonna keep the name anonymous as the majority owner preferred that, but this thing was a cash cow for me during the 2 years I was a part of it, and at the time of my exiting, it had a valuation in the 7 figure range. I can’t speak much more out of respect for it, my partner, and its current endeavors, but I still have a piece of it, and it’s one of the companies in my portfolio that pay me every month and hopefully a big time when it sells.

What I can say about when I was a part of it was our top months made me like 200k.

This was a major turning point I’ll talk about later in my life, as I was becoming an investor and owner, not an operator.


Man, with all this cash, I had to do some dumb shit. I had a Tesla at the time and wanted to get a supercar.

I also didn’t want to be dumb. 

So I decided on a Lamborghini Urus and wrote off 80% of it through bonus depreciation as it was a business vehicle helping me market and portray myself as a boss on social media, which at this point was the thing letting me do such crazy business ideas and it working.

The power of a strong personal brand is the #1 power in the 20th century. 

Past this, I had help from a connect who I met to get me approved with 100k down on a Lamborghini Urus.

Felt good. Lambo at 20. 

Kinda wish I had done it 7 months earlier as a teen though.


Everyone talks about people and hiring being KEY in scaling, so I kinda did what any 20-year-old would do. I was expanding and hiring a real team. 

I think the first few people you hire are never legit hires (at least they weren’t for me)

But once you start really sorting through people, you start finding key players that will help you.

I believe it is a simple setup.

You pay them x, and they do y, and if either side is not okay with their input to output, they will say something and repair the relationship, or the relationship will end if a mutual solid agreement cannot be reached.

I hired people and didn’t think much of it past that. This definitely helped a ton, but I’ll go into this later to see how this was the tip of the iceberg when it came to the power of people.

Everyone talks about balance in life, traveling, going out, etc.

I don’t like using the word balance; I’m either all in or all out with work. I don’t try to mix both.

At this point in my life, I was making probably $1,000 an hr for each hour I worked, but I had most of the shit I wanted and was lacking vision again a bit and decided to go to take a full reset and go to Europe. 

I went solo with no plan. I let a buddy take my apartment as I knew I’d be gone for a bit.

Traveling solo is really fun. It seems “lonely” if you overthink it, but then you realize you ALWAYS do what YOU want, you’re free to think, you can go at your pace… it’s fun.

You can’t do it forever, but a week or two is great.

I met up with a girl I knew there in Spain and proceeded to go to 3 countries with her before going a bit solo and then back home about 40 days later.

Then I went home, and a month after that, I went back to the Maldives shortly after, staying in one of the nicest hotels on the planet. The room + flights there were $40,000 to give you a feel of the kinda resort we were at. 

I vividly remember a Red Bull via room service being $46 dollars and laughing at how crazy my life had gotten.

After this, I went home and knew I needed my next step up in life, the road to 8 figures.

In retrospect, I kinda “should’ve” skipped the 2 months fucked off and spending 200k+ on dumb traveling shit, but I don’t think I’d change a thing…

Fuck I love Europe.


Now, at this point in my life (early 2023), I have gone to a new level of locked-in. I stumbled upon Alex Becker, Hormozi, and Sam Ovens. I paid for some coaching with Alex, and I eventually met him in Monaco at Nobu (on my YouTube here) if you wanna watch, but these guys really showed me that there was a level past what I was at.

All my brain went to was wanting that and nothing fkn else. 

I developed what I now call GDMODE, which is just my lock-in routine and how I live now when I’m trying to work and get a lot done.

I heavily focused on expanding my vision and realized I wanted to build my businesses to have me owning them, not operating them, and also start building bigger and better teams to make this all possible. My social media made it so I had tons of power to have people come to me for help already at 1m/year in profit, and me helping them double that wasn't too hard with my experience, PLUS I was already helping so many beginners a lot of them once they made it to 50k or 100k a month wanted more help from me, and that was for me to partner with them and help them scale and build their team.

As an owner, not an operator. That’s the key and the big change here to allow this to be 50 businesses, not limited to two before I collapsed. I didn’t fully realize this yet, and through 2023, I got super stressed and overloaded, and that’s what led me to exit my agency / a portion of my ecom brand. To get out of it. I now do not operate anything really but the portfolio of companies themselves. Managing the operators rather than the teams which allows me to make a much greater impact with a lot less time spent, and I just get a smaller piece of a bigger pie. 

It’s a win-win.

As this vision grew and came together, my brain started conceptualizing and believing in a world where 10 Million, even 100 million, wasn’t that difficult to achieve. (this is what I THINK most people look for when “manifesting,” so I’d stop trying to manifest and instead take time to plot your goals and make them seem guaranteed. That is my form of fkn manifestation, lol.

Anyway, this was it. I went all in on this vision, and it didn’t happen instantly, and I’m even at the time of writing not there, it will be ever-growing and changing as time goes on.


Mid 2024, and life now is simple for me, I love what I’m doing and am living my life.

I work 90% of the week, and when I’m not working, I’m having a nice dinner or on a boat to get some sun. I also have been getting my pilot’s license as I’m gonna buy a jet, ideally before 25.

I rarely drink and have an 8-12 week dial-in period on GDMODE before I take a trip to reset. 

I could go into the 300k in watches I bought this year or the new Mclaren, but that shit is not what I want to talk about in this chapter.

What I want to go into is how amazing it feels doing what I wanna be doing daily and believing in what I’m doing and the future of it. 

I realized I’ll make amazing money whether I choose to work or not that day, but I don’t want to do much other than work right now as I’m really confident in what I’m doing and the potential, which is so exciting it’s more fun than other activities I could be doing

Once you find the true thing you enjoy, life gets great, and everything makes sense.

One thing I love to remind myself now is there has to be bad days, not just good days. Enjoy and learn from both.

If you haven’t found your flow. You will.


Some people who motivated me a lot were guys like Alex Hormozi, Jeff Bezos, Alex Becker.

They had a team that helped them so much, and I thought I did too.

Until I realized I didn’t have a vision. A true vision.

Do I have my entire life figured out? F*ck no.

What I do have is $30,000,000 in generated revenue for myself and a few eight-figures more for clients and companies I’ve coached or invested into.

I have a vision. You see, the last 6 years have been crazy, and my focus now is simple and super fkn enjoyable. 

I am helping beginners/anyone under 10k profit a month start their own businesses.

And also manage my own and partnered businesses in my portfolio with my team and ensuring they scale. I don’t want to operate; I want to allocate my time and money and invest to own and oversee. Don’t try to do this too early, though, as leaving too early without the right size of a business can lead to failure. You need the right people and the right vision first.

Currently, for me, this is owning or partnering with eight companies at the time of writing, and the next time I update this, it will be a hundred doing a few hundred million a year. 

If you’re a beginner looking to start, I can help for free, or my paid training will cost you x to get y (learn more through the application process)

If you’re an expert looking to scale, I will ask for equity/to invest as long as I believe in your vision (learn more when you speak with someone on our scaling/B2B team.

Learn more about my coaching here:



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